Make the blob things go up and down on the screen without clicking the same direction twice or taking too long between clicks or clicking the wrong button or clicking somewhere other than a button.

I  had tried to make this game in one hour for the Hyper 1 HOUR Game Jam!, but I had to figure out things for the topic that I never thought about doing before in Ren'Py. So I  took more like 2.5 hours. I'm still proud of myself for getting something done at all. :)

Because I used certain images in my first attempt, it was disqualified for the jam.  I  wasn't thinking the images I used would be considered nsfw, but the judge ruled otherwise, so... okay... I'm going in the  completely opposite direction with this version of the game.


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I  know I  could do better than this... :)

My high score: 57


My high score!! (40)